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Oklahoma Agriculture in the Classroom


Bouncing Beans

Some activities to get the energy out

  1. Students begin by walking around the room in any direction.
  2. On the various commands below, students carry out the appropriate action.
Jumping Bean
Jump around the room.
Runner Bean
  • Run around the room (looking out for other people).
  • OR Run on the spot (more suitable for younger children than running around the room.
Broad Bean
  • Stretch your arms and legs out as wide as you can.
  • Walk around the room taking strides as large as possible.
  • Jump in a star shape.
Baked Bean
  • Lie on the floor in a star shape until the next command is given.
  • OR Lie on the floor and sunbathe.
Jelly Bean
  • Move around the room slouching and doing silly movements.
  • Wobble like jelly.
Chili Bean
Shiver and shake.
Frozen Bean
Stand very still.
Bean Sprout
Stand on tiptoe and make yourself as tall and thin as possible.
String Bean
  • Stand on the spot, making yourself as long and thin as a piece of string.
  • OR Find two partners, hold hands and run around.
  • OR Pretend to play a guitar or violin.
Black-eyed bean
Stand on the spot with one hand over one eye.
Kidney bean
  • Stand still with arms and upper body bent forward at waist
  • Bend over and try to touch your toes.
Full of Beans
Dance around energetically.
Has Beans
Walk backwards.
Crouch on the floor and slowly "grow up" until you are straight and tall like a beanstalk.
Wax Bean
Strike a pose and hold it as if you were made of wax.
Snap Bean
Snap your fingers
Hill of Beans
Get on your hands and one foot with the other foot stretched back and switch legs several times (mountain climbing exercise).
Assemble in groups of three or four, curl up in a ball in a row on the floor, as if inside a pod, and then "pop" out, one at a time.