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Oklahoma Agriculture in the Classroom

Songs and Poems

Sow Got the Measles

How do you think I began in this world?
I got me a sow and sev'ral other things.
Sow or hog or some such thing.
The sow got the measles
And she died in the spring.
What do you think I made of her hide?
the very best saddle you ever did ride.
Saddle or bridle or some such thing
The sow got the measles
And she died in the spring.
What do you think I made of her nose?
The very best thimble
That ever sewed clothes.
Thimble or needle or some such thing,
The sow got the measles
And she died in the spring.
What do you think I made of her feet?
The very best pickles you ever did eat.
Pickles or glue or some such thing.
The sow got the measles
And she died in the spring.